Apposite Software

Who we are

Our apps
Alarum, the
                  fast and flexible way to wake up.
Loci, never forget
                  where you parked again.
                  being polite need not risk your life.
                  help with solving crosswords and anagrams.
ToDo, if your job
                  involves going places to do things, this is the app
                  you need.
                  pith and moment at the touch of a button.
Tract, keeps
                  track of your journeys, and might just save your
Tuna, for all your bagpipe-tuning needs.
Find The Word -
                  fun with Word Searches
Add sound effects to
                  your life
Get some leg-warmers
                  for your logical side
You know you want
Fast and
                  easy tips straight to your mobile device

Contact us

Solve for all letters
Pie 'em.

Have you ever wanted to throw a cream pie at someone?

Of course you have.

And it's not like they don't deserve it; but you know, in your heart, that it would be wrong, (as well as being a waste of perfectly good cream).

Thankfully, there's an alternative: a virtual pie you can hurl with impunity, then share the results with your friends.

Go on, pie 'em!

Available now, free, here.